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It’s pretty simple to someone who has lived before some of these idiotic laws were propagated on an uneducated and lazy public.

  1. . We used to have an FCC that regulated what media published. Free speech be damned media couldn’t fabricate shit just to sell their product. We need that again.
  2. Fat cats, corporations, foreign entitles and greasy haired lobbyists couldn’t pump cash or gifts into politicians pockets. They went to jail if they did. Now it seems most politicians are just in it for the money they can pocket.
  3. The electoral college was important in our early development because people were frequently uninformed ,(some would argue that they still are) information took days or weeks to arrive in remote areas. Now we have split second information flow and everyone who cares can make informed decisions on their voting choice. The electoral college is today as useless as a boil on your ass. Voting by mail is the most secure and convenient for us all. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot or on the take.
  4. Corporations should not be considered “a person”. The very idea is something dreamed up by some fat ass corporate attorney trying to influence reasonable laws that protect the public. If the Suprems are going to get rid of Roe v Wade they certainly should get rid of this piece of shit.
  5. Education used to be free or nearly free. It was public education and it was good. Then money entered the picture so mostly wealthier people could get a good education. They started “for profit” schools so as not to associate with the poor or racially diverse. Now younger generations think Puerto Rico is in South America. They don’t know crap about civics or history and are wide open to some absolutely ridiculous conspiracy theories. Public schools and universities must be returned to free education for all.
  6. We used to have and enforce laws about the separation of church and state. Churches and their wild eyed actors who refer to themselves as “pastors” weren’t allowed to get involved in politics particularly or they lost their tax exempt status. Now they are up to their eyebrows in politics, money, deceit, sexual abuse and outright theft from their poor gullible flocks. If there was ever a Jesus, and I grudgingly acknowledge that there probably was; he wouldn’t shit on the heads of these charlatans.
  7. Term limits is essential for the survival of our democracy. That goes for ALL appointed or elected office holders. No more revolving door, no more old geriatric cases making decisions about matters that they know nothing about. The country needs younger voices. Congress shouldn’t be a nursing home where the addled go to die as they get paid to make decisions about the country’s future.

Thats my take anyway.

Trying to raise your family, handle a job and have some kind of life with your spouse? This little guide will help you deal with grandparents (or parents) who constantly interfere with how you live, raise your children or interact with your spouse.

1. Just kill them. They are already worn out. They have nothing to look forward but sickness, dementia and diapers. Think of it as doing them a favor. There is a chance that you will go to jail but free room and board isn’t so bad.

2. Send them on a “cruise of a lifetime” and while they are away move far away like Australia. Don’t leave a forwarding address and throw you old phones away, cancel all email and social media accounts.

3. Invite them to dinner then not show up. If you do show up and are at a restaurant tell them you forgot your wallet and ask them to pay.

4. Take them to their doctor appointment, go shopping then leave them sitting in the doctor’s lobby for a couple hours.

5. Ask them for money to buy stuff for their grandkids. Frequently.

6. Ask them to babysit for you when you want to have a date night or want a little free time. Just remember that they will spoil your kids, allow them to do anything the kids want, feed the kids loads of sugar and let them stay up late.

7. Move to a house that has lots of stairs.

8. Don’t hesitate to blackmail them using your children as pawns. You know they love your children more than they love you so its fair.

These are just a few ideas. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Younger generations have to stand up to these freeloaders. They are rapidly taking over. Just look at the U.S. congress!

Death By Doctor

So I had a sore throat and cough for a couple weeks that wouldn’t go away

I went to the doctor, paid $40 deductible, saw signs everywhere warning of the misuse if antibiotics and came home with a diagnosis of heartburn.

I am 80 years old. I know what heartburn feels like. It is idiotic to think that a sore throat and dry cough is heartburn.

The CDC hammering away at doctors and clinics about the misuse of antibiotics is going to kill people or at the very least help spread bacterial infections.

So the country is over 200 years old.

Some areas are just worn out and out of step with today’s world. As important as it is, we can’t just worship the old constitution to the point where it is no longer valid. It needs to change to survive.

Let’s talk about areas where the old body of government has developed canker sores, flat feet and bunions.

First thing out of the shoot is the United States Senate. Originally it was meant to be the elite educated aristocracy that was to keep check on the rabble kids over in the House of Representatives.

The Senate has long ago outlived its purpose. It has become a retirement home for the wealthy and the soon to be wealthy. They are all bought and paid for by the wealthy to do their bidding. Any idea that the Senate serves the American people is ludicrous. It serves itself and its members. It eats up billions of dollars every year without providing a single useful purpose

The House of Representatives is the true governing body and reflects the ideas, color and intelligence of the American people. They alone should be rightly responsible for legislation.

Voting by proxy as we do now needs to go. It is cumbersome, expensive and corrupt. Eliminate the gerimandered districts and have direct vote my mail or electronically for every citizen. No more electors and electoral college; both are ripe with corruption and the potential for manipulation.

We must get money out of the voting and legislation equation. We must pass laws that forbid any participation in government by anyone but representatives of the people. No one should be able to buy a government position.

The Judicial system needs to be overhauled. Lifetime appointments are ridiculous. Prospective judges should be submitted by their peers and approved by Congress and serve a limited term and then return to their prior positions.

The department of Justice must be a stand alone arm of government free from influence by anyone, including the president or Congress.

The United States Postal Service needs to be reorganized as a vital arm of government as the original framers intended. It should be expanded, modernized and allowed to perform it’s original intent; to provide mail service to citizens far and wide. It should be expanded to include broadband service, banking and packaging. The wealthy old club members on it’s board need replaced by young, smart, progressive people who have fresh ideas.

The post office is dying of cancer and no one is willing to call the surgeon to cut out the old, corrupt, festering tumors.

The military is completely out of control both financially and administratively. The power of arms manufacturers to influence military purchasing or tactical decisions is out of control.

When you have a military that can’t even account for what it spends its too bloated to be effective. BEWARE THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX said our most famous General/President. He know where we were headed back in 1961.

Taxes are ridiculously unfair. The workers pay for everything while the rich have their accountants and lawyers get them off by paying nothing.

Religion has become so intermingled with government that so called mega churches and their millionaire preachers rake in money without paying any taxes on it. If everyone just got ordained I guess no one would pay any taxes.

Non-religious citizens and citizens whose religion isn’t recognized by the state are burdened by the additional tax support they have to pay so the religious can freeload. This situation was anticipated by the founders so they kept religion totally out of government.

If we as citizens can not wrench the power of elections, judges, government and the postal system from the decaying festering fingers of the oligarchs, greedy, billionaires then our beloved country is finished and revolution by the poor, cast out, silenced majority is inevitable. Remember July 14!?

America the Greedy

Many churches overflowing with cash, billionaires going into space, politicians trading stocks and getting wealthy off inside information and a Supreme Court that has become a political pawn of a political party. Not to mention racism and other forms of discrimination. Where do we go.

Probably into a failed state but it could be salvaged by direct vote of every citizen. No more silly electoral college. No more electoral districts. Just everyone being mailed a ballot and then returning it to be counted.

No more tax benefits to wealthy powerful religious organizations

No more tax giveaway to big business or the billionaires connected with them.

No more politicians getting inside information on the Stock market casino.

No more Citizens United. Only individuals can contribute to political campaigns. No corporations and no foreign entities.

The Supreme Court needs to be increased to 13 and have mandatory term limits of 6 years or so so as to get younger forward thinking Justices.

No public servant should serve over the age of 70.

That’s my plan. What’s wrong with it except for absolutely no politician wanting it?

Bergdoll Wright Model B

Grover Bergdoll donated this Wright Model B to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia in 1933. The institute had the plane made flight ready and on December 19, 1934 one Marshall Reid flew it on a short flight.

Originally, the name “Bergdoll” was painted across the bottom wing but that had been removed or painted over.

Today this plane hangs in the institute as one of a kind. It was originally purchased by Grover Bergdoll while attending the Wright training school. He stored the plane in his hangar, untouched until he was convinced to donate it.

While the plane is an original Model B, the provenance is not accurate since the donors name, painted on the plane when purchased and when donated to the museum has been removed.

Read my book “Slacker, The Bergdoll Chronology” for further details.

Marshall Reid in Bergdoll Model B

The Billionaire Class

So the word is out that Jeff Bezos would like to have about $10 Billion from the military budget to further his “space exploration” plans.

Will these guys EVER get enough? What is in their brains that triggers this self importance and greed?

If the American politicians and public can not reign in the power of the oligarchs we are sunk. Our republic will implode just like most other governments have done at around the 200 year mark. It appears that China is on the rise so maybe they will be the next world leader.

We better get to work and get this right.

Standing In Line

Ever notice that people waiting in long lines seem to forget everyone behind them when it’s their turn to pay? They stand there and talk to the clerk about the weather, their kids and everything else before fumbling around in their purse or wallet looking for something to pay with. I especially like the little old people with the change purses who count out every penny.


Ever wonder why the old and the poor have few or no teeth?

A root canal is $1500. About what their monthly disposable income is so don’t tell me that only rich kids should have good teeth.

WHAT A SYSTEM! AND the poor and uneducated are the biggest supporters of this “freedom of choice”.


I am going down to get my booster shot next week. I am 82 years old and don’t plan to live forever but when I look into the face of my 1 year old grand daughter I realize that I could pass it on to her if I become exposed.

With this “modern” media EVERYONE has to have their say, even ignorant people with no knowledge on the subject. Just believe the scientists and do like we did to eradicate polio and small pox; GET THE DAMN SHOT. Not for you, for your family, friends and co-workers.